Standard Geo vs. Direct Exchange (DX) Geo
What makes DX Geothermal Systems so different?
A DX geothermal vertical loop system will produce 4 to 5 times more energy than it consumes. It all starts with its highly conductive buried ground loop. The system only requires a 3-foot circle and a small trench for installation so you avoid having to tear up your whole yard.
So what exactly makes this system different than other types of geothermal systems? A DX heating and cooling geothermal system is considered the most advanced technology giving you the most energy efficient and cost effective way to save money.
Comparing DX Geo to a Standard Geo
…is like comparing Apples to Oranges

- DX Geothermal
- Copper Ground Loop
- Higher Heating Capacity
- No Back Up Heat Required
- Lower Ongoing Costs
- Lower Operating Costs
- 1 Fluid In System
(Freon) - No Water Pumps
- Vertical Loop
- Less Yard Digging
- Less Parts
- Less Maintenance
- Longer Life Span
- Longer Warranty
- Water Geothermal
- Plastic Ground Loop
- Lower Heating Capacity
- Back Up Heat Required
- Higher Ongoing Costs
- Higher Operating Costs
- 3 Fluids In System
(Freon, Water, Antifreeze) - Water Pumps Required
- Horizontal Loop
- More Yard Digging
- More Parts
- More Maintenance
- Shorter Life Span
- Shorter Warranty
The more you start off with … the more you end up with!
DX geothermal technology has a few key design elements that make it stand out from a standard geothermal system. The first difference is the system’s ground loop. The purpose of a geothermal ground loop is to absorb as much heat as possible from the earth. It’s pretty simple, THE MORE HEAT YOU START OFF WITH, THE MORE HEAT YOU END UP WITH. While a standard geothermal system uses plastic tubing for the ground loop, the DX heating and cooling system uses a more reliable copper tubing for the ground loop. The highly conductive copper allows you to receive much more heat in your house. The conductive properties of a 70′ vertical copper ground loop combined with circulating refrigerant through the lifetime warranty copper tubing is critically important to enhance the system’s performance.
Even the EPA’s Stephen Offutt has recognized the advantages of copper when he stated
“The use of refrigerant in copper pipes as a heat exchanger appears to have an inherent efficiency advantage over antifreeze solutions and plastic pipe, making them even more attractive from an energy – efficiency standpoint than a traditional GHPS (Ground-source Heat Pump System).”
Since a DX geothermal copper loop design takes up much less space in your yard, it is easy to install. The vertical ground loop only takes up a 3-foot circle in your yard. Once ready, the installation can be done quickly and easily through the use of a small drilling rig that can easily be maneuvered around in tight spaces. This allows the ground loops to be installed in a tight space where very little property is available.
A DX geothermal heating and cooling system has eliminated the need for water in the system. By eliminating the water you will also eliminate all the extra parts related to the water circuit. A lot less parts equals less maintenance.
A new era in geothermal technology has begun as thousands of people have been enjoying the simplicity, savings, and comfort of a DX geothermal design. With more than 35 years of geothermal design experience, you can be confident that a Waterless™ DX geothermal system from Buschur’s will be a safe investment, and we guarantee that it will perform to your expectations.
Buschur’s Waterless™ DX geothermal system can heat and cool a 2,100 square foot home for as little as $29 a month! That means you can save a substantial amount of money, all while helping our planet by incorporating a renewable energy source into your home! Your one-time investment can save you money and reduce your carbon footprint for years to come.
Watch the DX Geothermal System Overview video to see the process in action!
To learn more about how geothermal transfers heat, click here

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