What’s in your water?

Past reports have shown that Ohio and Indiana have been rated as one of the worst areas for water quality offenses.

Did you know that excess iron levels in water can cause:

πŸ†‡ Hair damage, including dry brittle hair and excess fading in color?
πŸ†‡ Dermal irritation such as an itchy scalp, dry skin, and an increased likelihood of eczema?
πŸ†‡ Damage to plumbing and pipes?
πŸ†‡ Strange odors, bad tasting water, and rust-colored stains on surfaces and textiles?

So, what’s in your water? Get a free water analysis and talk to a specialist about our water purification systems today.

Benefits of treated water:

βœ… No more stains on your glasses and kitchenware.
βœ… Softer drinking water without any of the impurities.
βœ… Better skin and healthier hair.
βœ… Longer plumbing service life
βœ… Protect your clothes while doing laundry
βœ… No more plastic water bottles! You can drink your water right out of the faucet.

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